Whether you prefer fantasy, science fiction, supernatural, humor, or an imaginative blend of multiple genres, chances are we've got a comic book or graphic novel that will captivate you. And whether you're a young reader or a mature comic lover, chances are you'll come back for more. Look for the bright red "Standing O" logo wherever comics are sold!
Our Titles
Standing O News
Borne from Passion
We love comic books. We love to read them. We love to create them. We love to share them with the world. So we started this imprint with the simple mission to publish the finest quality comics in all genres and for all ages. As a natural extension of our core mission, we also develop tabletop games based on our properties. Our printed comics are available here and in comic book specialty shops and online retailers worldwide. Our digital comics are available here and on Comixology.

Home Sweet Home
We're located in the heart of the Upper Valley of the state of New Hampshire, a wonderfully unique region where New Hampshire and Vermont are united by the Connecticut River. We're less than an hour from the serenity of the Lakes Region and the wilderness of the White Mountains. Life here is a fascinating brew of country living in historic New England, spiced up with a progressive arts community and the youthful influence of Dartmouth College. We work with award-winning creators as well as undiscovered talent from around the globe.
What's with the Key?
Although the "Standing O" is our unmistakeable primary logo, The Freedom Key is our secondary logo. You'll find it somewhere on all of our comic books. It is symbolic of a primary tenet here: creative freedom. We don't shackle writers and artists with corporate control over their creations. We don't lock down ownership of their properties. So they are free to do what they do best...create. Freedom is awesome. Freedom is the key.